Currently taking reservations for Carwood Beef Quarters, Halves, Wholes to be filled in August 2025. The next Monthly Beef & Burger Bundles & Honey pick-up will be on February 21st & 22nd. All meat products sold by Carwood Farm are processed by Federally Inspected sources.
Currently taking reservations for Carwood Beef Quarters, Halves, Wholes to be filled in August 2025. The next Monthly Beef & Burger Bundles & Honey pick-up will be on February 21st & 22nd. All meat products sold by Carwood Farm are processed by Federally Inspected sources.
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My Farm Journey Blog #9

January 1, 2018 was my first official day as a full time farmer.  I went into the year with a plan, both for the farm and personally in terms of how I would sustain my family.  I had enough money in my personal savings along with my wife's income as a school teacher to sustain us for the year.  So, my farm plan was to reinvest 100% of the income generated from the farm back into creating a foundation for years to come.  That's exactly what I did.

I expanded the herd, purchased equipment I would need, and I redesigned my pasture to maximize rotation efficiencies and better suit stress free cattle movement.  I made improvements with the facility of the farm to open up space for crop storage and animal care.  

I raised my first field of sweet corn for Pick Your Own Sweet Corn.  Technically, 2017 was the first year I raised pumpkins, but I failed miserably.  I didn't get one pumpkin that year.  Instead of quitting on the idea, I tried it again in 2018 and had our first successful Pick Your Own Pumpkin season.  

All of this was important, but the two most important things I did in 2018 was: 1) read lots of books about farming 2) engage with a business coach through monthly one hour meetings to learn how to run my own business.  When I started the year, my wife and I agreed we would give farming three years to be successful.  If we could not sustain our family after 3 years on farming then I would have to pivot away from my dream.  As I write this, I am starting my sixth year.  The primary reason for this is because I focused on learning.  I approaching learning about farming and business as if I knew nothing.  By not relying on what I knew going into the journey, my mind remained open to new ideas and creating improvements I never thought of before.  I avoided in being stuck in old ways and was open to new/better ways of doing things.  My mindset remains that was to this day.  I believe that way of thinking has been one of the keys to my success.  

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