Currently taking reservations for Carwood Beef Quarters, Halves, Wholes to be filled in August 2025. The next Monthly Beef & Burger Bundles & Honey pick-up will be on February 21st & 22nd. All meat products sold by Carwood Farm are processed by Federally Inspected sources.
Currently taking reservations for Carwood Beef Quarters, Halves, Wholes to be filled in August 2025. The next Monthly Beef & Burger Bundles & Honey pick-up will be on February 21st & 22nd. All meat products sold by Carwood Farm are processed by Federally Inspected sources.
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Reframing Access to Locally Raised Beef!

Welcome to the next chapter in the long storied history of Carwoood Farm:

As demand has sored for local beef, Carwood is positioned to grow.  We looked into expanding the herd, building more pasture, leasing more land to farm, etc.  It became clear, this process would take time and require significant investment.  

At the same time many of our neighbor farmers (friends) expressed struggle.  Most of these farmers did not have a way of selling what they produced directly to their neighboring communities for a variety of reasons.  They were reliant on commodity markets, auctions or corporate contracts.  None of these outlets are designed to favor the farmer when it comes to pricing.  Additionally, these outlets often lead to the industrial food system where many hands take money from the pot, long transport chains exist (sometimes international) and many different agendas impact what happens to the food by the time in reaches the plates of families.

A new idea for Carwood was born.  What if we partnered with these farmers.  They raise beef on their farms using similar methods as Carwood and most importantly retaining the same values related to animal welfare:  good nutrition, low stress and no additives (antibiotics or hormones).  Carwood offers the farmer higher prices for their cattle than they would get at the auction and Carwood provides the beef to it's established local community, selling the beef in the same community it was raised.  

This is what we are doing. We have established partnerships with several farmers from the Central PA area.  They raise cattle for us and finishing them on a grain based feed just like Carwood.  They are animal welfare focused and they know cattle.  

Now, when you buy your beef from Carwood, you are not just supporting the farm you see on Forge Road in Boiling Springs, you are supporting a movement to keep our food system local (the Boiling Springs/Carlisle area).  Not only can you trust how/where your beef was raised, but you can see it if you want.  The transportation chain is massively reduced and our local economy is strengthened.  Oh and by the way, "It's the best beef you'll ever have!"