Carwood Bundle Sponsorships
Carwood Beef & Burger Bundles, are provided to families in our local area who are in difficult periods of their lives. Each bundle has been sponsored by a Carwood Farm customer or other member of the Carwood Community, Boiling Springs Bubbler Foundation or a few other local organizations. Bundles are distributed to families by our partners: The Bubbler Foundation, New Life Community Church, Project Lamp Light and Nan's Kitchen in the Carlisle YMCA.
We aim to set aside 6 bundles/month for this purpose. If you would like to participate in this program, you may do so by simply adding this item to your cart and completing the purchase process.
Carwood Farm discounts sponsored bundles to $50 each to make them more affordable for the sponsors, but without sponsors, Carwood Farm could not afford to provide 6 bundles per month consistently every month, so it's a really great joint effort to support these families until they are able to navigate through the difficult times. This is one of the ways Carwood Farm fulfills it's mission to "Build a Happy Healthy Community." Thank you for getting involved!